location_on Huber's Lone Pine Lodge Northwest Ontario Fishing & Hunting Lodge
phone   807.938.6474

Experience the Thrill of a Northwestern Ontario Black Bear Hunt.

Huber’s Lone Pine Lodge Has Bear Management Area (BMA) that spans almost 600 square km’s and houses some of the best black bear habitat in Ontario. Located 20 minutes east of the Lodge near Basket Lake, our area has an abundance of natural cover and many plentiful food sources that keep the bears hiding close by.

When you arrive on our doorstep eager to climb in your tree stand, we will have many game camera pictures for you to browse in order to strategize and plan your hunt accordingly. Our area boasts a large population of mature boars and we pride ourselves on being able to pattern their behavior to ensure your success. We look forward to getting out into the wild each year and providing our guests with the opportunity to experience the hunt of a lifetime. Please call us to discuss in more detail this unforgettable personalized black bear hunt.

Northwest Ontario Drive-In Fishing & Hunting Resort

explore Huber's Lone Pine Lodge267 Lonepine Rd.
Wabigoon, ON P0V 2W0, Canada

room_service ReservationsCall (807) 938-6474